Welcome to the exciting world of Hamster AI! Whether you’re a newbie or just looking to brush up on your skills, this guide will help you craft the perfect image prompts to get the best results. Let’s dive right in!

What is an Image Prompt?

An image prompt is a set of instructions or descriptions you provide to Hamster AI to generate an image. The clearer and more detailed your prompt, the better the AI can understand and create the image you have in mind.

Steps to Create an Effective Image Prompt

  1. Be Clear and Specific

    • Instead of saying “Draw a dog,” try “Draw a golden retriever puppy playing with a red ball in the park during the day.”
    • The more details you include, the better the AI can capture your vision.
  2. Use Descriptive Language

    • Incorporate adjectives to describe sizes, colors, textures, and emotions. For instance, “a fluffy, joyful golden retriever puppy” paints a clearer picture than “a dog.”
  3. Include Context and Setting

    • Descriptions like “in the park” or “at the beach” help the AI understand where the scene is taking place, giving it more context.
  4. Specify the Style or Medium

    • If you have a particular style in mind such as “in a cartoon style” or “as a watercolor painting,” be sure to mention this in your prompt.

Examples of Good Image Prompts

  • Before: “Draw a cat.”

  • After: “Draw a black and white kitten with big green eyes, sitting on a window sill with flowers in the background, in a realistic style.”

  • Before: “Create an image of a mountain.”

  • After: “Create an image of a snow-capped mountain under a clear blue sky, with a dense pine forest at the base, in a digital art style.”

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Being Too Vague: Avoid prompts like “Draw something cool.” The AI needs specific details to produce what you envision.
  2. Overloading with Information: While details are essential, too much information can be overwhelming. Focus on key aspects that are most important for your image.
  3. Neglecting the Basics: Don’t forget to include fundamental elements like who, what, where, and when.

Practice Makes Perfect

The more you practice crafting image prompts, the better you’ll become. Start with simple descriptions and gradually add more details as you get comfortable.

Remember, Hamster AI is here to help bring your imagination to life. With these tips, you’re well on your way to creating stunning and accurate images. Happy prompting!

Feel free to share your image prompts and results with us or ask for tips if you need more help. We’re excited to see what you create!